Term Groups

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Term Groups

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Many times, the topic of interest lies in the intersection of several independent aspects, each of which is very broad in itself.

As an example, suppose the analyst is looking for innovative solutions for 3D printing, using lasers, for medical applications. Each of these aspects may include a lot of terms and synonyms:

3D printing: 3D printing, 3D scanner, 3D reconstruction, FDM printers, Multi-material 3D printing, Material extrusion, etc. 
Innovative: Innovation, Disruptive technology, State of the art, Emerging technology, Market disruption, New technology, Novel approach, etc.
Medical applications: Medical Applications, Healthcare, Anatomical models, Implants, bioprinting, Implantable organs, Medical implants, Orthopaedic implants, Surgical planning, etc.
LaserHigh-power laser, Laser beam, Selective Laser Sintering, Laser melting, Selective laser melting, Selective Laser Sintering, etc.

Searching for combinations of terms only from one group, or ranking results without taking into account contribution from all groups, will not bring the desired results.

Grouping terms together in separate groups is the way to tell Socrates that these are independent aspects of the investigation topic, and that results should be searched and ranked accordingly.

See the following sections for details:

Terms colors

Mandatory groups

Managing term groups